Thursday 14 April 2011

Hijabie in wonderland- UPDATE!

Hey girls!! So I haven't posted anything is aaaages!

I've been really busy so I thought I'd update you on what's been happening!
Inshallah I'm off to Cairo tonight yippeeeee! (that's why I've been so busy), packing and last minute shopping, work etc etc.
Anyway while I'm there hopefully i'll be posting outfit of the days and maybe a video or two lol :)
I'll be bringing back some hijabie goodies which will be for sale when I'm back inshallah, along side possibly another fashion show woo!
I hope you all like my new outfit I made it last night so it's not great but it's wearable! ha - ha.

Anyway next time I update I will be in EGYPT inshallah!!!!
Toodles! xoxoxo

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